DIY Cat Toys

Because our cats spend so much of their days sleeping, the hours we spend with them awake are critical. Cats need enrichment, exercise, and play time that keeps their instincts stimulated and bodies moving. But you don’t need to run out to the pet store every week to keep your cats entertained. There are tons of options for DIY cat toys and enrichment, some you already have in your home, that can keep your cats happy and healthy.

1. Cardboard Rolls

When you finish a roll of toilet paper or paper towels, try and entice your cat with the empty roll. If you cut the tube’s ends a few times and bend out the cardboard strips, your cat may have more to grab onto. You can also fold the ends inwards and hide cat treats or catnip inside.

2. Crumpled Paper

Junk mail or old receipts laying around? Before you find the recycling bin, try crumpling up paper into a small golf-ball size and toss them around your cat. These balls of paper are squishy, easy to carry around, and make a fun, enticing noise some cats can’t resist.

 3. Cardboard Boxes

This is the holy grail of cat enrichment. Everyone knows cats love cardboard boxes. You can spend hundreds on stuff for your cat and they will without fail prefer the box the toys come in. Cardboard boxes provide your cat with security, comfort, and play time and cost you next to nothing. You can get creative and make cardboard castles, forts, and mazes for your cat – or just throw a box on the floor. Your cat will thank you just the same. You can also watch a YouTube video of an upgraded cardboard box house for your furry friend here. All you need is a box, a blanket or towel for the inside, and an old t-shirt!

4. Repurposed T-shirt Bows

Speaking of t-shirts, you can easily repurpose your old t-shirts into cute bow toys. You can follow a simple step-by-step guide here. It’s as easy as cutting t-shirts into squares, then strips, then tying a bow! If you don’t have t-shirts at home right now, a local thrift store might have some t-shirts for just a couple dollars.

5. Homemade, Papier Mache Toys

For those that are a little more hands-on and crafty, you can make adorable paper cat toys at home with a few simple materials you can get at a local craft store. You can follow the guide here. This project is perfect for any pet owner who prefers a more natural cat toy, as it is mostly paper.

6. Repurposed Cat Tower Stool

If you’re looking for a cute cat tree idea for a small space, or looking for a fun repurposing project, this DIY Cat Tree Project might be perfect for you. In this project, you take an old stool, add a cat hammock, scratching post, grooming brushes, and hanging toys. You can get everything you need from a local craft store or big-box store, and it should only take you about 90 minutes.

written by Mattie Jensen


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