Jasper’s Fundraiser

Our infamous Jasper is running a fundraiser on his own!
Jasper’s mom came across a rescue-focused graphic designer who creates fundraisers for rescues via pets' social media accounts, and this designer made an amazing and hilarious image for Jasper (with his two CAR-adopted sisters Louise & Penny) to help raise some money for our group as well. The fundraiser will be open from now through April 13th. We did a test one last year with a different design and his family and friends loved everything ordered!

Here is the link to check it out and place an order, now through April 13th https://detezi.com/collections/jasper-friends-fundraiser-for-chicagoland-animal-rescue

A percentage of each item sold with his design will come back directly to CAR, and you get to show off a trio of absolute goofs at the same time hah! I'll be sharing it on Jasper's Instagram also if you would like to share his posts (his Instagram handle is @jasperthetripod)


Giving DuPage Days 2023


Pictures with the Easter Bunny