Michelle & Pat Thomas
Michelle and her buddy EJ
If at First You Don’t Succeed…
Try, try again! While shopping, Michelle stopped into our shelter and spotted a dilute calico. She'd always loved calicos, and sadly her own had recently crossed the rainbow bridge. She inquired for weeks but was assured that the kitty was already homed. One of the volunteers thought to ask, “Have you considered volunteering?” In that moment, the world gained a lifelong volunteer.
She began volunteering with friend, Sue, in 2004. For nearly two decades, Michelle has provided the safety net that CAR promises its beloved felines.
Mother and Daughter Duo
After about five years Michelle’s mom, Pat (aka Best Kitty Grandma), joined to help carry out CAR's mission!
Full Entrée or À La Carte?
Volunteering for CAR comes in all shapes and sizes. Michelle and Pat visit weekly together for several hours. Their involvement varies but generally includes:
Socializing kitties and getting to know their unique selves and preferences
Full sanitization from emptying and bleaching litter pans to providing fresh bedding. Thorough cleaning is in these ladies’ genes!
Fresh food, water and litter
Nail trimming, grooming and administering meds
We just KNOW we’re forgetting things…
Foster Failure? Why not!
Over the years, Michelle adopted four CAR cats. She's currently “owned” by seven which includes a litter of kittens who wandered into her yard. Michelle is also a huge fan of Feral Fixers, a charitable Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) organization that ensured the kittens’ spaying/neutering. Originally intending to foster the kittens for CAR, she soon realized that she couldn't part with them!
E.J., her most recent CAR adoption, rules the roost and wants to be held non-stop. You might find E.J. affixed to Michelle in a cat sling to appease him (well, mostly) while she does things around the house.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
One never knows where conversation might lead. On separate occasions at work, Michelle casually mentioned two of CAR’s cats which resulted in their “furever” homes - one with a client and another with a coworker!
A Round of Appaws
Why do mother and daughter dedicate precious time to CAR? Timid, fearful cats develop a sense of confidence before their eyes. Their regular visits provide much needed familiarity and generate trust. Cats who normally hide even come out when hearing their voices! Michelle and Pat, your contributions are immeasurable, and CAR would not be the same without you!
written by Stacey Field