Kevin Zielke

Kevin and Romulus

Kevin came across Chicagoland Animal Rescue (CAR) while researching activities that would get him out and about while making a valuable contribution. Since then, he has done just that. For two years, Kevin has volunteered for CAR which happens to be smack dab between his work and home. He visits on Wednesdays and one or two weekend days per month. Our volunteer scheduler, Pam, would add that he is amazing for filling in when needed, too. Kevin takes time to review notes about each cat and their preferences and needs, and then works toward making their temporary home a clean, inviting, and safe experience.

When CAR was just a twinkle in Kevin’s eye, he became a first-time cat owner (or the other way around). While shopping at an aquatic pet store of all places, he spotted a litter of kittens for adoption! After some thought (and much FOMO), he adopted a black kitten who he named Yōkai after types of supernatural creatures/spirits in Japanese folklore.

Yōkai (look at those eyes!)

A couple of years passed, and Kevin realized that Yōkai needed company. On a foster-to-adopt basis, he brought home a CAR tuxedo boy named Detroit to see how he and Yōkai would do together. Kevin kept them separate as recommended in order to provide a gradual introduction. That was until he discovered Detroit was an escape artist. While working from home, Kevin found the two cats nose to nose. While a bit baffled, they appeared to be intrigued with each other. In no time, Yōkai and Detroit were fast friends, sharing toys and even cuddling together. Last April, Kevin adopted Detroit and named him Romulus after the legendary king who founded Rome…in April. His name is extra fitting, Kevin says, because his meows sound like “Rom”.

At the shelter, Kevin cleans cages and litterboxes, feeds cats and kittens their meals and treats, and medicates them when needed. He focuses on providing each with valuable time to exercise, socialize, and play. Over time, he works patiently with skittish cats so they feel safe and become more used to people. Kevin’s contributions extended further when he recently trained CAR’s newest volunteer who will begin a Wednesday rotation. The most important quality in a volunteer, Kevin shared, is considering the cats first.

Romulus and Yōkai became fast friends

Kevin has managed to volunteer regularly for CAR while working full time and finishing his Master’s degree (only one month to go!). He even squeezes in time to be “nerdy” and enjoy his hobby, painting tabletop figures. Kevin, we’d clone you if we could. You are kind and clever, and you make a lasting world of difference in the CAR cats’ lives! 


Emily Lange