Adoption Update: Raven & Luna
Raven & Jiji keeping an eye on the neighborhood.
When my Luna, my 14 year old black cat, was diagnosed with cancer, I had a lot of time to mentally prepare for the time we had to put her to sleep. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and truly took an emotional toll on me. We had lost another kitty six months before completely unexpectedly. 2020 was already a hard year and losing them both so close together on top of everything broke my heart.
One day I was out sad-shopping because of the loss of Luna and I went into a Petsmart. Why? I couldn't tell you. I'm usually drawn to the animal shelter section to look at the kitties, so I went over to them like I usually do, and there I found a little paper ad on a window with two young black kitties, a bonded pair of sisters named Raven....and Luna. I see you, Universe. So I saved their info and showed them to my husband. We decided we wanted to meet them. When we met them, little Luna was so shy and hid under the bed the entire time, save for the one time i lured her out with treats. I managed to get her little head out, but her sister came over for treats and she instantly retreated. Right then I realized she would really need time and space to come out of her shell on her own terms. As someone who grew up with cats, and had one or two very shy/skittish ones, I had no problems waiting for her to warm up to me.
Raven & Jiji still love to snuggle with each other.
My husband and I fell in love with them and said we wanted to take them home so we got the paperwork, met up at the Petsmart and brought them home! Raven instantly wanted to wander the entire house and was very ready to get out of the room after a day or two. Luna, now named Jiji, was not as eager, which we expected. For the first few days we let her have her space to decompress and when she was ready, she started to venture out. We discovered that Jiji loves bird watching, she loves treats, she loves playing with string, and as each day passes we see her open up more and more. Now, not even three weeks later, she follows me around like a little shadow, she's vocal, super playful, loves to play with her sister and is becoming a little cuddle bug. She loves to sit and cuddle with me while I read.
If you have enough patience, love in your heart and space in your home to let a shy cat explore and become comfortable with you and in their surroundings, I promise when they open up to you, it is the most satisfying, heart-warming feeling a rescue parent will experience. When they do learn to trust you, the relationship you will have with them will be very special and fulfilling for both of you. Give a shy pet a chance!