Rainbow Bridge Memorial: Mia
Unfortunately I wish I could share good news about Mia but she was only with us until March of this year because of a cancerous tumor in her mouth that ended up claiming her too soon. Around summer time last year we noticed she had a small growth on her mouth that was giving her trouble so we took her to the vet, as we had a golden retriever in the past that had the same, only to find out it was cancerous.
… By February she had started having small issues with movement and losing her rear hair between her legs at this point and the tumor was getting a bit bigger so we decided to keep her as long as we could before she started hiding from us in spots we didn't know existed.Though difficult we made the choice to euthanize her in March as she was clearly not feeling great then even with the vet medication and we knew we were only buying time at the expense of her quality of life.
Not at all what we expected as she was super chill even with Spike not having it at times and she even got a screened in porch to sit out that she loved to death. We had a few times where we couldn't get her to come back inside haha. She also enjoyed hanging out on the couch and I was greeted by her every morning for a while before work with Spike right there watching carefully waiting for their food.
Both cats learned to get along with each other and I was able to get them to play with strings and feathers quite a few times. Mia really enjoyed the wrapping paper at Christmas too. She definitely helped keep both Spike and Grandma company and we miss her everyday.