Maribel Gonzalez
About six years ago, Maribel was checking out at PetSmart in Downers Grove when she spotted a cat in the little shelter to the right. It reminded her of Nina, her own sassy, lovable tuxedo. She walked over, and when she placed her palm against the glass separating them, the cat put her paw right against Maribel’s hand! She felt such an instant connection that she completed an application and became a Chicagoland Animal Rescue volunteer.
Maribel & her cat Nina (who’s now 8 years old)
At first, Maribel volunteered once or twice per month, cleaning cages, feeding the cats, and keeping them company. With a recent shortage of weekend volunteers these past few months, however, she has volunteered most Saturday mornings! Outside of CAR, Maribel is an Administrative Professional who supports several departments. In her free time, she enjoys photography, reading, and concerts.
A helping heart and love for animals runs in her family. “I want to give a shout out to my mom!” Maribel says about Vicky who helps her at CAR when she can. Maribel has enjoyed seeing her mom grow more and more comfortable with the cats. She even mastered giving eye drops to a wiggly Pollyanna who had an eye infection.
We asked Maribel why she volunteers, and she described the fulfillment of helping cats find their forever homes. The thought of Nina being without her is unimaginable, so she gives love and attention to CAR’s cats until they have their forever people. Keeping the shelter sparkly clean makes a healthy, comfortable environment for the cats, and it makes a great welcome for our guests, potential adopters!
Maribel & a CAR kitty snuggling
Her bond and connection with the cats, she says, does make it bittersweet, because she misses them when they find homes. To our wonderful adopters reading this, please keep the photos and updates coming (email us here)!
Maribel, we appreciate you for stepping up and doing so much for CAR’s cats! If we could clone you and your mom, we would!
written by Stacey Field Cherwin