Pam Matyasik
Pam Matyasik has been with Chicagoland Animal Rescue (CAR) since 2005. During these 18 years of loyal service, she has tidied the shelter, transported cats and kittens to vet appointments, and served as Adoption Counselor. Along the way, she fostered many cats and some tiny kittens including four siblings she fondly referred to as “The Bottle Babies”!
For the last 10 years, Pam has been Secretary on the Board of Directors and, behind the scenes, logs adoption data required by the Illinois Department of Agriculture and the shelter’s 501(c)(3) status. She coordinates training for new volunteers and manages the in-person volunteer schedule with the following approach: “Care about people – their personal life, their job. If they need someone to cover their shift, make it happen and without guilt.”
Pam’s late husband, John, honored her love for volunteering and occasionally helped at the shelter. He supported her desire to foster, including six-week-old siblings, Teddy (black male) and Teenie (tortie female). When the kittens were fully vetted and ready for CAR, John swept Pam off to vacation in the Bahamas. In the meantime, a virus made its way through the shelter, and cats needed to be quarantined. When they returned home, the couple brought Teddy and Teenie home again and decided to keep them forever.
Years later, Pam fostered a one-year-old orange longhair tabby named Gus who, at the time, needed medical care. John was absolutely SMITTEN with Gus, and they gave him a forever home, too.
Gus, now eight years old
Recently, Pam fostered a very pregnant dilute calico named Luna and provided a safe, comfortable place to have her kittens. Over a period of six months, she cared for Luna and her litter of seven until each found a home.
Pam finds it especially rewarding to help find homes for seemingly unadoptable cats. “Sometimes it’s love at first sight,” she says. She continues to be part of these touching stories by remaining connected with volunteers who send her updates and pictures of their beloved cats.
Other Interests
“What does Pam do outside of the shelter?” you might ask. She visits and cooks meals for her mom twice per week, spends time with her daughters, son, and “grands”, enjoys catching up with her BFF from Michigan, attends church daily, and walks 12 miles per week with a friend.
Wish List
Pam would love for the cats and kittens in CAR’s care to enjoy the following if you are able to make it happen:
Saturday and Sunday volunteers are needed to clean and sanitize temporary homes at the shelter in Downers Grove PetSmart. It can be an individual or pair (good catch up time with a friend, family member, or colleague), and the schedule can be every Saturday or Sunday or rotating. “All shapes and forms!” Pam says. “Let’s start somewhere!”
Fancy Feast canned food (Grilled or Gravy Lovers) donations. The cats at CAR love it. It’s an extra special treat during what can be a very stressful transition for them.
We thank you, Pam, for sharing your time and talents and making meaningful connections at CAR among our kitties, adopters, potential adopters, and volunteers!
written by Stacey Field Cherwin